Our Thanksgiving was pretty uneventful. I had to work the night of Thanksgiving, so we were unable to go out of town and my in-laws were not able to have it at their house this year. Instead, we ended up going to Cracker Barrel with my in-laws (the place was packed that night). We ended up having a great dinner despite having a terrible waitress. Before we went to eat, we stopped by The Summit to attempt family pictures on Santa's sleigh. They have pictures with Santa on the weekends, but we all know that I can't do anything on the weekends. They leave the sleigh outside during the week, so we decided to use it. However, Haley wanted nothing to do with the sleigh. I'm not sure why, but she really didn't want to be on it. We got a few shots before she insisted on getting off. We had my in-laws come meet us there to get some shots of us as a family, but once they got there, Haley wanted nothing to do with her momma and dada and only wanted to be held by Gigi and Da Daddy. I still ended up with almost 100 good pictures from the shoot, so it wasn't a complete failure. Here are some of my favorites.

The most decent pic I got of her on the sleigh. Too bad Scott's arm was behind her.
This is a good picture of her hair. It is getting the longest right on the crown and it is curly. Most of the time it is just unruly. It's almost tragic. I hope it gets better soon.
This was her reaction when she saw Gigi and Da Daddy get out of the car.
She was literally jumping out of Scott's arms.
She adores them!
I think they adore her too.
This was the best shot we were able to get on the sleigh. She really did not want to be with us.
So, we let her down and took some of just us.
Her War Eagle because the Iron Bowl was the next day and because we just always make her do this.
The Jaquiths minus Philip. We sure miss him!
She was obsessed with the water fountain until we realized there were nasty cigarette butts floating in it. How nice!
Our second attempt at a family shot on the sleigh. It didn't happen.
She was dying to "ride" this iron dog.
Our best family shot. I'm just glad we got something.