I want to start out this post with some pictures of Haley's newest form of entertainment. She has been able to open our bathroom drawers for a while now, but she always just immediately slammed them back closed. She never knew that they would stay open or that they had anything in them. Well she finally figured everything out the other day, and she had a blast pulling everything out and throwing it on the floor. I sat there and watched her because we didn't have much else to do and I am willing to let her do a lot of things if it will entertain her for a while. I thought everything in the drawer was fairly safe and there wasn't anything she could hurt. Well as with most situations, she somehow figured out that there was a way to make a big mess. I had two little bottles of vitamin E that I used back when I was pregnant. I never thought she would be able to get the cap off, but she proved me wrong. She ended up spilling a good bit all over the floor and herself. Fortunately, the damage was very minimal and easy to clean up. I learn something new from her every minute it seems. She always amazes me. She had a great time, though, and was so proud of herself. She kept pulling things out and looking up at me for reassurance and then smiling so big when she knew that it was okay. It was fun for both of us.

Then I let her play with herself in the mirror. She loves to see herself and two of me. She just looks at me in the mirror and then back at the real me and laughs. It's so fun to watch her learn.

She loves to grab on to the faucet. It always cracks her up.
Here is her new way of crawling. She just started this a few days ago. I'm not sure why she does it and she really only does it when she is chasing one of the cats. I can only figure that it's the next step in her learning to walk. It's very funny to us though.
1 comment:
How cute!
She is such a fast crawler. Emory is just down moving around. I can't even imagine her that fast!
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