Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, July 9, 2010

Gobble gobble!

Well, it's not Thanksgiving yet, but we did get to see some baby turkeys last week (I'll explain in a bit). We went to Memphis for the week to visit Mimi, Pop, and Uncle Blake. We had a fantastic time as usual. Haley took to her Mimi and Pop like she sees them all of the time. She was even able to say "Mimi" and she tried her best to say Pop a few times, but it came out in an almost whisper. They have two sweet dogs and Haley LOVES dogs, so that was the highlight of her trip. One is a small yorkie poo and the other is a huge golden retriever. She was fascinated by the retriever, but scared of him when he came over to try and give her kisses. She loved Jingle, the yorkie poo, and even started saying "Jee dul" over and over. One of her favorite things to do is touch noses (people, pictures, animals), so she loved that Jingle was small and gentle enough that she could touch his nose any time.

To Haley's right are the two baby turkeys. My brother and a friend decided that they wanted to get a baby turkey each and raise them. I'm not sure why, but they are 17 and that is the kind of thing you do when you are 17. They are very cute and seem pretty easy to care for.

At first, she was ok with them. Then she decided that they were scary and she started to cry.

Mimi took care of it, though and all was better.

She was better once Mimi was holding her.

Here is Haley with her Uncle Blake. They were dressing up in beads and even putting beads on Benjamin (the dog).

Cracking up at her Uncle Blake who is a little scary, but very funny at the same time.

Here she is with Dada once we got home from Memphis. She missed him so much while we were gone.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Ansley has that blue and green romper too! Haley is so cute :-)