Well the bright side of all of this is that she has learned to love bananas and pears. She especially loves her puffs because they are hard food but dissolve very quickly so that she can swallow it. She also loves water! She tolerated sweet potatoes and avocado better than the other things. She still doesn't care for her oatmeal unless it is mixed with the banana. We still have lots of things to try, but up next will be carrots then green beans. It's going to come eventually and I'm not as worried because I am seeing improvement.
On a different note, Haley is moving all around using her arms and legs. She can eventually drag herself anywhere she wants to go. Yesterday, she was able to get herself up on her knees for a moment and rock back and forth. She can sit up unassisted for a minute or two before falling to the side, but can sit for a while if I hold one of her legs steady. So, she has the strength, just not the balance.
Here she is today getting up on her knees.
Here she is on the move.
Here she is sitting up today (she has had a big day).
As for sleeping, she has good nights and bad nights. Some nights she will go to bed early and sleep most of the night. Other nights, she will go to bed late and wake up a few times. It's a nightly struggle, but it will get better. We are letting her cry it out some. I was so excited to find the paci in her mouth one day after a nap. I left one in the crib in case she wanted one and she was able to figure it out for herself. I didn't think she liked the paci, but she let me know I was wrong. I'm glad for that because I didn't want her sucking her thumb.
Well, Haley went down to sleep without any problem tonight at 7:30. She has had a huge day with all the sitting up, getting up on her knees and scooting. Not to mention, she has only taken a few short naps. Hopefully she will sleep longer through the night.
bless your heart with the food. It will get better but I know how frustrating it can be. And I am proud of you for making your own. I had all intentions to, but I'm lazy. And the age she is now is soooo fun. It just keeps getting better!
She is going to be all over the place any minute now. I am so glad the food is going better. I am not doing so hot with making the food. I have a bunch in my freezer that I need to get out and steam. I hope her sleeping gets better. I feel your pain!
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